Sincerius, Amsterdam

Located in a former diamond factory, Sincerius’ updated office is now flexible and future-proof, by using many circular materials and products.
Studio THO
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Roza Schous

Meeting the growth with an updated interior design

Sincerius is an Amsterdam based financial company. Since 2016 their office has been located in a former diamond factory in Amsterdam, for which Studio THO had created a special interior design. But since the company has been continuously growing, there was eventually a need for an updated interior, which would match the current situation better.

New and sustainable design

The new design tackles both issues of the present and the future. On one side, the designers created a more optimal space, which fits the new additions to the team and the changes in their way of working. On the other, they also made sure the new design is future-proof, by using many circular materials and products.

Using custom-made PET Felt panels in the office interior not only ensured the sustainability requirements were met but also contributed to better acoustics at key locations in the office. The panels, which are installed above the tables, have great sound-absorbing and sound-dampening functions, which contribute to a better and healthier acoustic environment in the office.

In this project

ReFelt PET Felt Acoustic Panel Marble

view specifications

Acoustic PET Felt Panels