Cospire Coworking Space, Lausanne

Cospire is a coworking space for startups, remote workers, freelancers, entrepreneurs and anyone else who needs to get things done.
ReFelt PET Felt Workplace Divider Cospire Lausanne LR 1

Cospire is located in a former auto part store that was creatively reimagined and fully renovated.

Lucio Kilcher, co-founder of Cospire: “We found ReFelt while searching for office acoustic separators which are easy to move around. We decided to purchase the ReFelt Workplace Dividers as their look fits very well with our space interior design choices and they stand out among other PET Felt dividers that can be found on the market.”

ReFelt PET Felt Workplace Divider Cospire Lausanne LR 5
ReFelt PET Felt Workplace Divider Cospire Lausanne LR 4
ReFelt PET Felt Workplace Divider Cospire Lausanne LR 2
ReFelt PET Felt Workplace Divider Cospire Lausanne LR 3

Lucio: “Moreover, we strive to support European design brands, giving preference to locally produced items. It was another reason to choose ReFelt.”

With the Workplace Divider you have a flexible solution for working at 1,5 meter distance. It also offers privacy and improves acoustics. Every screen comes with a free Do Not DisturBird. This allows employees to indicate whether they are busy and do not want to be disturbed.

In this project

ReFelt Workplace Divider PET Felt - beige

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Workplace Divider PET Felt 1.5m

ReFelt Workplace Divider PET Felt - green

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Workplace Divider PET Felt 1.5m

ReFelt Do Not DisturBird PET Felt - blue

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Do Not DisturBird PET Felt